The creative work of walking or climbing through a personal journey to wholeness begins by the placement of our footsteps upon sturdy and foolproof foundations. Our choice to place foundational stone one by one propels us to move forward ever so gracefully. While we accept grace and apply compassion to our lives, we create our path to recovery.
Recovery, more than addiction, more than an obsession, more than anything, which holds you back from finding peace and kindness toward yourself and others, means seeking steps for the path and walking along with others who shine their light of hope.
Our hope becomes an anchor for each stone laid.
The anchor of hope keeps us tethered to a rope of life-giving strength. We hold the rope and maneuver through the hills, valleys, and rocky paths of life, noticing the trail ahead and behind.
Not far from us, another wandering soul is gripping the rope and looking back. We reach them in time, to lend a hand and help them steady themselves on the rocky ledge of life. Breathing a sigh of relief, the journey is carried forward.
You are not alone.
We are never alone when we build our walkway. We have a Higher Power, the amazing Creative Creator who built the Universe one spoken thought at a time, sealed in Love. The journey began by giving of the Light of Truth to illuminate our path. It is here, where we build an eternal place of courage and devotion.
To have self-compassion as we walk, to see our hearts and our minds, clearly through the grace given to us, only strengthens our resolve to move us to continue to fortify our path. Then, as we travel, we have laid stones for others; they follow the footpath and incorporate it into their lives.
They who follow us then walk upon sure foundations. The steps before them embolden their zeal to blaze the trail, to repair the breaches in life as the weather rips at the walkway. They catch up to us, at times, when we have let the rope slack. We may trip over a stone we laid, not securely and in the midst of our journey, we find the hands there, to steady us, and we move together, forward.
They lay their life on the line so to speak and pull themselves up, looking at those who built the path. They see the blood, sweat, and tears, which sealed the stones and confirmed their walk. They find their truth in the hope, which shines and then they move forward plunging into the great unknown world of healing.
The path and the building materials might become weary to carry alone. Setting the tools down becomes tempting. The way off the path presents itself as easier; however, it reeks of darkness and isolation. Even in our moments when we feel alone, we are not for the Spirit and the guides in life are plenty.
We think we are alone. Our perception deceives us as we tempt ourselves with letting down our guard and return to the places we left.
We long for the ease of naivety and we glance back at the way we have come, thinking we can do it without placing our footing so steadily before us: Why can’t we travel another path” We ask ourselves.
We become like Peter who looked down at the water and began to sink, treading water, grasping at molecules with no solid matter to help us grip.
We then, cry out for help, and the question is asked, why then, did we take our eyes off the Creator or off the path so given to us in history?
A hand gracefully is stretched out to us in our need, if we grasp it, we will not sink. As we reach up, we realize all of our struggles are stepping stones to a better future. We are given the gift to create a path in life; a walkway to understanding our purpose.
When we have seen the path of those before us, we have listened to the beat of the drummer of healing in our hearts, and we have held up Our Standard, the path becomes a joy to create and we journey with the King as our Co-Builder.
What better path to lay than one built by truth, light, hope, and compassion?
~Just a thought by Pamela
Previously published on Medium.com.
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Photo credit: By Maja Kochanowska on Unsplash
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