Self-Love Is Hard; Self-Reproach Is Easier
Let me tell you something about self-love: Self-love is very difficult to practice when you’re feeling down on yourself. It won’t be good enough… I have nothing valuable to say… I can’t write about...
View ArticleAn Acuteness of the Senses
I do not make it a habit to use this space for rants and complaints. I am not suggesting that I never talk about things that bother me. Of course I do. But today I’m feeling a bit lousy and I just...
View ArticleHow to Mindfully Handle Being Around Your Family at Thanksgiving
A few years back, my mom and I were driving to Baltimore-Washington International Airport when we got locked in one of our typical bickering matches. She kept repeating the name of the parking lot we...
View ArticleOn Replacing Self-Pity with Self Compassion
The pandemic has made us feel isolated, alone, disturbed, anxious among many other feelings. In the last seven months of isolation, I’ve experienced it all. In difficult times, it’s easy to get...
View Article3 Tips for Keeping Your Holiday Spirits Bright – Pandemic or No Pandemic
The annual stress of the holiday season could be even more intense than usual this year. Thanks to COVID-19, families may need to reconsider those Thanksgiving trips to grandmother’s house – or at...
View ArticleWhy You Struggle to Love Yourself — and How to Start
Most of us are never taught how to deal with suffering. But pain and loss and grief are an inevitable part of life (in fact, I would argue that they are also essential to living a good, New Happy...
View ArticleHow Has the Pandemic Changed Society?
Life is slower; people are less distracted, more isolated, and lonelier. For men, it represents an opportunity to connect more with their unique needs. The pandemic has the power to change people for...
View ArticleHow To Survive Being Around Family During the Holidays [Podcast]
This episode is about how self-compassion can help weather the storm around family during the holidays. . . — This post was previously published on *** If you...
View ArticleEmotional Intelligence and How To Increase It
Emotional intelligence is a type of intelligence that is defined as an ability to monitor and regulate one’s own and others’ emotions and to use emotions to facilitate one’s thoughts and actions...
View ArticleCome Out, Come Out Wherever I Am
As public as I may seem to be, I realize how much I was hiding, out of fear of not being loved if people knew about the way my mind works sometimes. A friend had asked me a few weeks ago, who I was...
View ArticleSelf-Compassion Isn’t Wimpy. It’s Hard but Worth It. [Podcast]
I can’t remember a more contradictory time in my life. I’ve never felt so lonely. For the past month, I’ve been living alone on my family’s farm in rural Southern Maryland. It’s been part “Walden,”...
View ArticlePositive Self-Talk Doesn’t Really Work
“Positive affirmations” are self-talk techniques. They are statements like “I am strong”, “I am grateful, and “I’m free to create the life I desire” meant to be repeated daily. People who use...
View ArticleThe Power of Positivity
Positivity refers to our tendency to be optimistic in life. This is in contrast to negativity, which is all about thinking, feeling, and doing negative things. When we have positivity, we might think...
View ArticleWhat Is Resiliency and How To Be More Resilient
What Is Resiliency? Resiliency is defined as the personal qualities that enable one to thrive in the face of adversity (Connor & Davidson, 2003). In life, we all face many stressful experiences....
View ArticleSelf-Love Tips
Self-love is sometimes thought to be an appreciation for one’s own worth or value. The words “self-love” are not generally used in psychology research. Instead, research is conducted on topics like...
View ArticleHow To Win Over Addictions
I started smoking when I was 16. I quit when I was 36. The twenty-year affair would have still been going on if not for a small patch of skin. On my tongue. I get ahead of myself. I loved smoking. It...
View ArticleHow To Rebuild Your Self Esteem After a Break-up
Self-esteem is an evaluation of your worthiness, a judgment that you’re a good, valuable person. And a breakup is the proverbial bitchslap that undermines it and sends you down a self-destructive...
View ArticleWhy Do We Resist Letting Go?
She looks at me and I look at her nervously. — So how long is it going to take? She looks at her watch. — I don’t have time for that. She says. I burst out laughing. It is a joke but also not. She...
View ArticleHow Trauma Can Mess Us Up and How to Heal It
Most relationships fall apart because the people in them have incompatible values they can’t compromise on. For instance, one partner wants to move to another continent and change religions, while the...
View ArticleSelf-Compassion Equals Self-Acceptance
Are expressing self-compassion and self-acceptance easy? Not at all. Worth it? Without question. When should you do it? NOW! If you are constantly beating yourself up — treating yourself worse than...
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